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Member Success Story: A Better Night’s Sleep with Identity Theft Protection

It’s hard to sleep at night when a fraudster steals your identity and compromises your security.  Listen to what a victim did in order to feel safe and sleep better when he was faced with identity theft.
By MSA Staff

It’s hard to sleep at night when a fraudster steals your identity and compromises your security.  Listen to what a victim did in order to feel safe and sleep better when he was faced with identity theft.

Spencer* thought something fishy was going on when he noticed a satellite television account in his name that he hadn’t set up.

Upon working with Stephanie – his MSA Fraud Resolution Specialist™ || article image for, Spencer felt much better about the situation knowing that a professional was on his side and was helping him resolve the issue.  Here’s what Spencer had to say:

“I have worked with Stephanie now for almost a month and truly appreciate all she is doing to ease the stress of an identity compromise.  She has been encouraging and helpful in assisting me to understand the process, and how to be proactive to reduce the risk of additional compromises.  Simply put, she helped us sleep better at night.”

With Stephanie’s help, they were able to close the fraudulent account.  Spencer was very grateful for the assistance:  “I truly appreciate the [identity theft protection coverage] more than ever and appreciate the professional job that Stephanie is continuing to do.  I hope I never go through this again, but if I do, I certainly hope Stephanie is the one that helps me again.  Thank you so very much.”

If you think you’re a victim of identity theft, you don’t have to worry about how to fix the problem on your own.  A Fraud Resolution Specialist™ || article image for (FRS) can help you figure out the steps you may need to take in order to resolve the issue.  Talk to an FRS at 888-724-2326.

*We always change the victim’s name in our Success Stories as a matter of privacy and security.

This content is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee eligibility for the program or its services.

Information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to offer specific personalized investment, financial planning, tax, legal or accounting advice.  We recommend that you consult an attorney, tax advisor or accountant regarding your unique circumstances.

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