Live Chat
Chat with MSA staff in real-time. Get assistance with scheduling coaching appointments, answering questions about the program, or chatting with an MSA Money Coach about various financial topics.
Legal Forms
Our legal forms feature offers hundreds of state-specific, intelligent, web-based forms without the inconvenience of waiting or paying. There are fillable legal forms and documents, for both personal and business use, available to members at no cost.
Knowledge Center
Our well-stocked Knowledge Center holds hundreds of relevant articles that cover many areas of personal finance. Access educational information around topics such as career, family, health, investments and assets, legal, loans and mortgages, retirement, and more!
Our website has over 20 user-friendly calculators that can help you get answers. Topics cover many areas of personal finance like retirement, home financing, investments, insurance, debt and more!
Screen Share
This feature allows the member and coach to share their screen which enables the coach to provide live, personalized, educational guidance during the consultation. This is optional and initiated by the member.
File Sharing
View and share sensitive and personal information related to finances, on a secure platform, with your MSA Money Coach. We support over 200+ file types including PowerPoint, spreadsheets, PDFs, images, videos and audio.